But the sharp pains were fading. There was a new pain, an angelic pain in my hand that was overshadowing everything else...
I was burning. "Fredward," I tried to tell him, but my voice was so heavy and slow that I couldn't understand myself, the words coming out of my mouth like bales of hay.
"Bella, you're going to be fine. Can you hear me? Bella? I love you."
"Fredward," I tried again. My voice was a little clearer. "It hurts!"
"I know, Bella, I know," and then, away from me, anguished—"can't you do anything?"
"Can't YOU do anything?" I wanted to scream.
"My handbag, please... Hold your breath, Alice, it will help," Carbomb promised.
"Alice?" I groaned.
"She's here, she knew where to find you."
"Alice?" I repeated. "My hand hurts," I tried to tell her.
"I know, Bella. Carbomb will give you something. It will stop."
"My hand is B-U-R-N-I-N-G!" I screamed, finally breaking through the last of the darkness, my eyes fluttering open and darting from side to side. I couldn't see his face; something dark, warm, and unfamiliar was clouding my eyes. Why couldn't they see the fire and put it out?
His voice was frightened. "Bella?"
"The fire! Someone stop the fire!" I screamed as it burned me. "Oooh, cut it out!" I yelled, wondering if I could communicate with the fire itself.
"Carbomb! Her hand!"
"He bit her." Carbomb's voice was no longer calm; it was appalled.


Chapter 23