I heard Fredward catch his breath in horror.
"Fredward, you have to do it." It was Alice's voice, close to my head, cool as the fingers which brushed at the wetness of my welting eyes.
"Ugh!" he bellowed. His cry of disgust echoed through the mirror-filled hall.
"Alice," I moaned.
"There may be a chance," Carbomb said.
"What?" Fredward begged.
"See if you can suck the venom back out. The wound is fairly clean. Suck it, Fredward. Just..." As Carbomb spoke, I could feel more pressure on my head, something poking and pulling at my scalp. Why was Alice doing this to me? My hand still felt like it was burning.
"Will that work?" Alice's voice was strained.
"I don't know," Carbomb said. "But we have to hurry."
"Carbomb, I..." Fredward hesitated. "I don't know if I want to do that." There was agony in his beautiful voice again.
"It's your decision, Fredward. I have guided you through your young life up to now. I created you and I have been your mentor, but there comes a day in every young man's life when he has to make a choice: to suck it, or not to suck it. I can't help you with this decision."
"Fredward!" I screamed. "Fredward, do it for me! Right now, Fredward! I'm burning! I'm on fire! I'm going to die! I'm going to burn up! Fucking grow a pussy and suuuuck iiiiiiiiit!" I hollered, realizing my eyes were closed again. I opened them, desperate to find his face. And I found it. Finally, I could see his perfect face, staring at me, twisted into a mask of indecision and pain.
"Alice, get me something to brace her leg!" Carbomb was bent over me, working on my head. "Fredward, you must do it now, or it will be too late." Carbomb put his hand on Fredward's shoulder and rubbed it perfectly, looking deep into his tormented eyes. "Be a man, boy."
Fredward's face was drawn. I watched his eyes as the doubt was suddenly replaced with a blazing determination—the will to do it, the will to put out my fire once and for all. His


Chapter 23