jaw tightened. He puckered his lips. I felt his cool, strong fingers on my on-fire hand, locking it in place. Then his head bent over it, and his cool lips pressed against my skin, one and then the other.
At first the pain was worse. Can you imagine? I screamed and thrashed against the cool hands that held me back. His firm grip on my body at once terrified and soothed me. Despite the ungodly pain, something about it felt very right, very familiar.
Then, slowly, my writhing calmed as my hand grew more and more number. The fire was dulling, focusing into an ever-smaller point until I almost wasn't in agonizing pain at all.
I felt my consciousness slipping as the pain subsided. I was afraid to fall into the black waters again, afraid the angel might not come back for me this time...
"Fredward," I tried to say, but I couldn't hear my voice. Everyone else could hear me, though.
"He's right here, Bella."
"Stay, Fredward, stay with me..."
"I will." His voice was strained, resistant.
I sighed contentedly. The fire was gone, he had done it! He had doused me good with his lips, and that's how I felt—good. My other pains were dulled by a sleepiness seeping through my body.
"Is it all out?" Carbomb asked from somewhere far away.
"Her blood tastes clean," Fredward said quietly. "I can taste the morphine."
"Bella?" Carbomb called out to me.
I tried to answer. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?"
"Is the fire gone?"
"Yes," I sighed. "Ohhhh, yes. Thank you, Fredward."
"I love you," he answered.


Chapter 23