"Fredward?" I turned my head slightly, and his exquisite face was just inches from mine, his chin resting on my chin, eyes locked on mine like mine were on his, our mouths a similar O of surprised succor. In his cheeks was a paleness that I'd thought had only been mine, a coldness I'd recognized in only the most honest of mirrors. I blinked and so did he, and I realized again that I was alive, this time with gratitude and elation. "Oh, Fredward! I'm so sorry!"
"Shhhh," he shushed me. "Everything's gonna be alright, baby. I promise you."
"What happened?" I couldn't even remember what had happened, and my mind rebelled against me as I tried to recall yesterday's happenings.
"I was almost too late. I could have been too late," he whispered, his voice tormented. "But I wasn't."
"I was so stupid, Fredward. I thought he had my mom."
"He tricked us all, baby."
"I need to call Charlie and my mom," I realized through the haze.
"Alice called them. Renée is here—well, here in the hospital. She's getting something to eat right now."
"She's here?" I tried to sit up—my mom?—but the spinning in my head accelerated and his hand pushed me gently down onto the pillows, its stony firmth knowing what I needed better than I did.
"She'll be back soon, I promise you," he promised me. "You just need to stay chill."
"But what did you tell her?" I panicked. I had no interest in being soothed. My mom was here and I was recovering from a vampire attack. I didn't even know how I'd start lying to her about what happened and felt the sweat welling up on my brow. "But what did you tell her?"
"You fell down two flights of stairs and through a window, and then bounced off of the hood of a passing car and landed in a trash can." He paused. "Hey, it could happen."
I sighed, and it hurt. I stared down at my body under the sheet, the huge lump that was my leg.
"How bad am I?" I asked.


Chapter 24