"Oh baby, real bad."
I giggled at Fredward's flattery. "No Freddy, I meant why am I still in the hospital?"
"Well, you have a broken leg, four broken ribs, some cracks in your skull, bruises covering every inch of your skin, and you've lost a lot of blood. They gave you a few transfusions. I didn't like it—it diluted your delicious aires."
"That must have been a nice change for you."
"No, Bella. I like how you smell>."
I paused. "How did you do it?" I asked quietly. He knew what I meant at once.
"I'm not sure." He looked away from my wondering eyes, lifting my gauze-wrapped hand from the bed and holding it gently in his, careful not to disrupt the wire connecting me to one of the monitors.
I waited patiently for the rest.
He sighed without returning my gaze. "It was impossible... to stop," he whispered. "Impossible. But then it was possible, and I did." He looked up finally, with half a smile. "I must love you."
"Don't I taste as good as I smell?" I smiled in response, hurting my face in the effort.
He winced.
"I'm sorry," I apologized fiercely.
He raised his eyes to the ceiling. "Of all the things to apologize for, you pick the dumbest one possible."
"What should I apologize for?"
"How about for very nearly taking yourself away from me forever?"
"I'm sorry," I apologized again.
"I know why you did it." His voice was comforting. "It was still irrational, but that's normal. You should have waited for me. You should have told me."


Chapter 24