"And what would I have told my dead mother when you wouldn't have let me go?"
"'I love you,'" he said in a grim tone. "Because she totally would have been dead."
Some very unpleasant memories were beginning to come back to me.
He was instantly anxious. "Bella? Bella? What's wrong?"
"What happened to Yames?" I felt a wave of psychic nausea rolling over me.
Fredward gripped my hands hard. "After I pulled him off you, Emmett and Jasper kicked the shit out of him, ripped his arms off and then burned the body."
This confused me. "I didn't see Emmett and Jasper there."
"They had to leave the room... there was a lot of blood."
"But you stayed."
"And Alice and Carlisle..." I said in wonder.
"They love you too, somehow."
A flash of painful images from the last time I'd seen Alice reminded me of something. "Did Alice see the tape?" I asked anxiously.
"Yes." A new sound darkened his voice; the sound of sheer hatred.
"She was always in the dark, that's why she didn't remember," I realized.
"I know. She understands now." His voice was even, but his face was black and fruity.
I tried to reach his face with my free hand, but something stopped me. I glanced down to see the IV pulling at my hand.
-Bella, don't pull me out! it cried.


Chapter 24