my voice. "I don't need anything." Nothing that wasn't right in front of me, I added silently.
"No need to be brave, honey. It's better if you don't get too stressed out; you need to rest." She waited, but I just shook my head. "Okay," she sighed. "Alright. Just hit that call button when you're ready."
She gave Fredward a stern look, and threw one more anxious glance at the machinery before leaving.
His cool hands were immediately all over my face; I stared at him between the fingers with wild eyes.
"Shhh, Bella, calm down."
"Don't leave me," I begged in a broken voice.
"I won't," he promised. "Now relax before I call the nurse back and make her sedate you."
But my heart wouldn't slow.
"Bella." He stroked my face anxiously. "I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right here as long as you need me."
"Do you swear that you won't leave me?" I whispered, trying to control my erratic breathing. My ribs were throbbing.
He put his hands on either side of my face and brought it close to his. His eyes were wide and serious. "I swear to God."
The smell of his breath, like fresh dough, was soothing. It seemed to ease the ache of my breathing. He continued to hold my face while my body slowly relaxed and the beeping returned to a normal rate. His eyes were dark, closer to black than gold today.
"Better?" he asked.


Chapter 24