My face and neck flushed crimson with anger. I could feel the rage-induced tears starting to fill my eyes.
He looked at me in surprise. "Was that last part a bit too much? I didn't mean to offend you."
"I don't give a fuck about Tyler. You're taking me to the prom!" I yelled.
It was embarrassingly obvious now. If I'd been paying attention to anything at all, I'm sure I would have noticed the date on the posters that decorated the school buildings. But I'd never dreamed he was thinking of subjecting me to this. Didn't he know me at all?
He wasn't expecting the force of my reaction—that much was clear. He pressed his lips together and his eyes narrowed. "Don't be difficult, Bella."
My eyes flashed to the window; we were halfway to the school already.
"Why are you doing this to me?" I demanded in horror.
He gestured to the pair of prom tickets that he'd stuck in the dashboard clip. "Honestly, Bella, what did you think we were doing?"
I was mortified. First, because I'd missed the obvious. And also because the vague suspicions—expectations, really—that I'd been forming all day as Alice tried to transform me into a WHORE were so far wide of the mark. My half-fearful hopes seemed very silly now.
I'd guessed there was some kind of occasion brewing. But prom? That was the furthest thing from my mind.
The tears of anger rolled hot over my cheeks. I remembered with dismay that I was very uncharacteristically wearing mascara. I wiped quickly under my eyes to prevent any


Chapter 25