further smudges. My hand was unblackened when I pulled it away; maybe Alice had planned for this.
"This is completely ridiculous. Why are you crying?" he demanded in frustration.
"Because I'm mad! Seriously?!"
"Bella." He turned the full force of his scorching golden eyes on me.
"What?" I muttered, still mad.
"People don't cry when they're angry unless they're crazy," he insisted.
"Crazy for you," I muttered under my breath.
His eyes were melting all my fury. It was impossible to fight with him when he cheated like that. I gave in with poor grace.
"Okay," I pouted, unable to glare as effectively as I would have liked, fighting the haze of tears and love. "I'll go quietly. But you'll see. I'm way overdue for more bad luck. I'll probably break my other leg, especially if you make me dance. Look at this shoe, it's a death trap! I'll be dead by the first slow-dance! It'll be the slowest dance you've ever had." I held out my good leg as evidence.
"Hmmm." He stared at my leg longer than was necessary. "Remind me to thank Alice for that tonight."
I shuddered, unsure what he meant. "Alice is going to be there?"
"With Jasper, and Emmett... and Rosalie," he admitted.


Chapter 25